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Champagne, Bouquet, Reflection, Celebration, Lovers, RosesBirthday
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The technology landscape is changing withevery passing year. More people than ever before areonline (4.53 billion, or 58.8 percent of the world's population to be exact) and the ways that people are accessing the web all over theworld are changing, too.
However, this isn't the only way the digitalworld is changing. Thanks to new devices, the desktop computer is no longer theprimary way people access the internet. Instead, they're turning to theirmobile devices and the data seems to show that trend will only continue, asmore and more people around the globe primarily use mobile devices to getonline.
Over the past decade, the share of trafficcoming from mobile has shot up, but in 2018 and 2019, that number has heldsteady at 50 percent, suggesting we may have reached the new normal.
As 5G becomes more and more of a reality, wemight see mobile traffic become even more important, and grow even morequickly, than it has in the past half-decade or so.
Via Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Drivers
Read on to learn how the desktop versus mobilelandscape has changed since 2013, and how we expect it to keep changing in thefuture.
Mobile versus desktop usage in2019 compared to 2013
In 2019, mobile usage was at an all-time high,although it was only slightly higher than the year before. Here are the mobileversus desktop usage statistics you need to know.
Combinedweb traffic worldwide in 2018 compared to 2013
If we want a broad, big-picture look at howmobile web access has changed over the last five years, we can look at thetotal percentage of global websites accessed via mobile phones from 2013 to2018.
Statista compiled data about mobile phone webaccess and found that since 2013, the share of global web pages accessed via mobilephones has more than tripled. To be more specific:
- Mobile phones made up 16.2 percent of worldwide traffic in 2013.
- In 2019, 52.2 percent of traffic came from mobile phones.
It's important to note that this datarepresents only mobile phones, andnot other mobile traffic, like tablet traffic, which also increased in the sameperiod of time.
Now, as we dive deeper into desktop versusmobile web access, we'll look at specific types of internet use, includingsearch engines, media consumption and e-commerce, and how much of the trafficin each of those areas comes from mobile users versus desktop users.
Organicsearch engine visits in 2018 compared to 2013
Statista analyzed the mobile share of organic visits tosearch engines over the last five years, finding a huge increase in mobile'sshare of all visits between 2013 and 2018. Here are some highlights:
- In Q3 of 2013 saw 27 percent of organic search engine visits coming from mobile devices.
- In Q4 of 2013, mobile0019s share of organic visits jumped to 33 percent.
It naturally follows that six years later, in2019, mobile devices had a much higher share of organic traffic to searchengines:
- In Q3 of 2018, the mobile share of organic search engine visits was nearly 32 percent higher than in the same quarter of 2013: 56 percent.
- In Q4, it was 58 percent, dipping slightly after reaching 60 percent in Q3.
That means that in addition to the nearly 30percent increase in the last six years, mobile traffic to search engines isstill overtaking desktop traffic, albeit at a slower rate of growth than in2013.
Time spent per day on media in 2019compared to 2013
Statista also compared the amount of timepeople have historically spent consuming media on different types of deviceseach day. This includes social media, video streaming, music, ebooks and othertypes of online media.
Unsurprisingly, between 2013 and 2019, timespent on media on a desktop has declined slightly. In the same period of time,time spent on media on a mobile device has sharply increased.
Here is a breakdown of the stats:
- Desktop users spent an average of 144 minutes per day consuming media from their desktops in 2013.
- By 2019 desktop users were down to an average of 128 minutes per day of media consumption.
- Mobile users, on the other hand, averaged just 88 minutes per day consuming media on their mobile devices back in 2013.
- By 2019 the amount of time the average person spent consuming media on a mobile device daily was up to 203 minutes per day. This means that desktop media consumption declined by around 11 percent over those five years. Meanwhile, mobile media consumption increased by more than 130 percent.
- In 2013, average daily media consumption on mobile devices was around 39 percent lower than on desktops.
- By 2019, media average daily media consumption on mobile devices had actually surpassed desktops by nearly 37 percent.
Conversion rates for onlineshoppers in 2019 compared to 2013
The one area that's been studied recently thatdoesn't show mobile handily surpassing desktop use is in online shopping.
While conversion rates for online shoppershave increased on all devices over the last five years, conversions on mobileare still lagging far behind 'traditional' conversions or those that happen ona desktop. Here are some stats:
- In 2013 desktop online shoppers had an average conversion rate of 3.34 percent. By 2019, that had increased to 4.14 percent.
- In 2013, mobile online shoppers had a conversion rate of just 1.14 percent.
- In 2019, that had improved to 1.53 percent, which is actually a .03 percent decrease as compared to 2018, suggesting shoppers are perhaps getting even more tired of all the ads and other marketing communications being sent to their phones.
This seems even more plausible when weconsider that desktop conversions improved from 2018-2019, suggesting that whenpeople are on a desktop device, they are more intent on buying, whereas clickson a mobile device might simply come from pure curiosity, browsing to kill timeor perhaps even an accidental tap.
VIA Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver
However, another possible reason for theslower mobile growth in ecommerce conversions than in other areas is the factthat 90 percent of mobile device use is spent in apps,and online shopping apps haven't seen huge growth until the last couple ofyears. Looking at all the data above, you can see that the fastest growth ratesfor mobile internet use happened from 2013 to 2015, and while mobile use isstill increasing from 2016 to today, its rate of growth has slowed down a bit.
Meanwhile, mobile apps for online retailershave only started to see explosive growth from 2017 onward.
Mobile versus desktop usage today
The year 2020 is still too young for much datato be available about mobile versus desktop usage this year but looking at 2019statistics gives us a good idea of the trends, and they all show that mobileinternet use is poised to continue growing and further eclipsing desktop use.
It was only in late 2016 worldwide mobile internetuse surpassed desktop use but the trend had been clear for some time by thatpoint - desktop internet use had been declining steadily while mobileinternet use rose over the prior decade.
Just one year after that milestone, mobileinternet use had increased significantly. 53 percent of web traffic worldwide came from mobileusers in 2019, compared to 56.7 percent from desktop users.
The future of mobile usage in 2020and beyond
Clearly, more and more people are using theirmobile devices to access the internet, and we can likely expect this trend tocontinue.
This is partly due to mobile devices beingmore accessible than desktop computers in most developingcountries, which is where internet use and penetration rates aregrowing the most quickly.
For example, China is currently home to moreinternet users than any other country in the world - 802 million users intotal - and 98 percent of them access the internet via a mobile device.India is close behind with 500 million internet users, with around 80 percentof them online via mobile devices.
Ninety percent of the time people spend onmobile devices is spent using apps, and engagement is up to four times betterin apps than mobile web browsers.
One area where mobile use is still laggingbehind desktop use is in engagement. As of 2019, 55.9 percent of the time spenton websites comes from desktop users, compared to 40.1 percent for mobile users.While more people are accessing the web from mobile devices than desktops,people still tend to spend more time on sites when they access them fromnon-mobile devices.
People are already using mobile devices morethan desktop computers to access the web, and the data shows that's unlikely tochange. In the future, mobile users are likely to continue to become moreprevalent than desktop users.
Could there come a day when desktop computersand laptops are obsolete because of mobile devices? Only time will tell, butthe data makes it seem like a possibility.